Grant Request Requirements
To apply for a grant, please complete the grant request form before April 1.
The following information is required for grant requests:
A brief narrative description of the organization requesting funds. This may include a mission statement, major goals and programs, membership standards, etc.
A brief statement describing the funds requested and how those funds will be used.
A current budget for the organization including anticipated expenses and sources of income. Please include a list of major donors and their donations in the last year. Also, please indicate the percentage of your budget that goes to direct service and the percentage that goes to operating expenses.
A financial statement of the previous full year.
An IRS Letter of Determination confirming 501 (c) (3) classification.
A list of the organization's current Board of Directors.
The Foundation Board of Trustees considers grant requests each June at our annual distribution meeting. Grant request must be received by the Foundation Manager by April 1 in order to be considered.
The Foundation does not publish an annual report.
However a list of grant recipients is available upon request.
For more information, please email info@saemannfoundation.org.